Social Worker III
Work Type
Family and Children’s Services
Position Number
Closing Date
January 16, 2023
Posted January 6, 2023
Agency Name
Craven County DSS
Work County
Job Contact
Craven County DSS
Job Location
2818 Neuse Blvd
New Bern
North Carolina
Job Description
Primary Purpose
The primary purpose of this position is to provide advanced level social work services for up to 15 children and their families in which the agency has assumed custody due to abuse, neglect and/or dependency. The focus is to ensure children reside in permanent, safe and suitable homes within 12-24 months of entering foster care. The social worker may provide reunification services, or in cases where reunification does not occur seek an adoptive home, a guardianship or custody arrangement, or another alternative permanent placement (APPLA).
Position will participate in Emergency Management duties as required by Craven County and the State of North Carolina. Position may perform other duties as assigned by the Program Manager or Director.
Essential Functions
The major responsibilities and duties of the social worker include comprehensive and on-going assessment of children and their families, development of an Out of Home Family Services Agreement in conjunction with a Permanency Planning document, implementation of services, strategies and supports as outlined in the Family Services Agreement (Case Plan) and provide supportive counseling and guidance to resource families to ensure children have their physical, emotional and psychological needs met. This position will be expected to write court reports and testify in court including preparation and or testimony for review hearing, adjudication and termination of parental rights cases. Responsibilities of Job Functions (by percentage of time) 20% Comprehensive and On-Going Assessment to include:
- Strengths and Needs and Family Reunification Risk Reassessment as required by policy.
- The ability of children to function within their biological family or within an alternative family setting to include; face to face visits, must occur within 7 days of placement and then at least monthly to assess the child’s adjustment to their placement.
- Service providers ability to meet the developmental, mental health, and medical needs of both the children and their families.
- Appropriateness of the resource family (foster, kinship or adoptive) and their ability to meet the specific needs of the child.
- Potential relative placements for their ability to not only provide for the immediate needs of the child but the long-term needs if the permanent plan changes from reunification.
- Use the required assessment tools and evaluations at the required time frames as mandated by policy.
- Must be completed within 30 days of placement and in partnership with the family based on information discussed at the Child and Family Team (CFT) Meeting.
- Must address the maltreatment and issues that brought the children into DSS custody.
- Must include specific services, strategies and supports needed to achieve the permanent plan.
- Must include a primary permanent plan and a concurrent plan that will be implemented if the primary plan is not achievable within the required time frames.
- Includes documentation to show the involvement of the family in the development of the agreement with clear time-specific objectives and activities that relate the strengths and needs of the parents. Noncustodial parents must be contacted and included in the development of the plan.
- Includes a visitation plan for children with their families and siblings if they are placed in separate homes.
- Negotiates and coordinates visitation for child and family. Arranges for supervision of visits when needed.
- Arranges for transportation of children and/their families to various appointments. Directly provides transportation only when there are no other suitable options.
- Arranges/participates in Child and Family Team meetings and Shared Parenting process. Reviews the case plan as warranted by the family’s progress.
- Coordinates with involved professionals such as therapists, doctors, school personnel, attorneys, judges, speech therapists, etc. Requests evaluation, reports and other documents. Reviews professional evaluations and includes recommendations in the case plan. Ensures that recommendations of medical providers are followed as written.
- Discusses sensitive issues with children and their families in a supportive and confidential atmosphere.
- Provides reunification services such as teaching appropriate parenting skills, problem-solving skills and assisting parents in making safe decisions concerning the welfare of their children.
- Prepares child, birth family, foster family, and adoptive family for changes in the child’s placement and resulting separation and grief issues. As appropriate, referral to a therapist is made
- Educates families in basic child development and behavioral management techniques. Provides feedback to families and child. Mediates between parties. Maintains life book. Prepares child for adoption. Worker supervises child’s foster and adoptive placement until permanence and/or court relief is achieved.
- Serves as protective payee for some clients and will manage client’s financial affairs. The worker may assist the child’s family with financial counseling or referral. Ensures children’s funds are used appropriately and remain within the budgetary limitations of their entitlement such as SSI or Social Security
- Assists in maintaining the financial security of the agency by completing daysheets accurately and timely
- Submits Child-specific Financial Agreements prior to placement.
- Attends case staffing, unit meetings and Division Meeting
- Completes all mandatory preservice training and 24 hours of additional training per year of service.
- Serves as a part of the Craven County Civil Defense team in the area of shelter management in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
- This position also assists in disaster relief efforts that includes but is not limited to shelter duty. Assignment to emergency shelter duty during times of potentially dangerous or manmade disasters is an essential function of this position and you shall be required to fulfill these duties when instructed. Position may perform other duties as assigned by the Social Work Supervisor III, Social Worker Program Administrator I, Social Work Program Manager, Director, and Deputy Director.