SW II Adult Protective Service
Work Type
Adult Services
Position Number
Closing Date
October 25, 2019
Posted October 16, 2019
Agency Name
Martin County DSS
Work County
Job Contact
Barbie Casper
305 East Main Street
PO Box 809
Williamston, NC 27892
Phone: 252-789-4400
Fax: 252-789-4409
Job Location
305 East Main Street
North Carolina
Job Description
- A. Primary Purpose of Organizational Unit:
- Primary Purpose of Position:
- Work Schedule:
- Change in Responsibilities or Organizational Relationship: None
- A. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: Method Used: Order of importance X Sequential order
- Description of the referrals received by DSS: The agency receives referrals from any person or institution, which has cause to suspect an abusive/negligent situation of a person 18 years old or older exists. The referral can come from a phone call, email, electronic communication, letter, simple note, or any other form of intelligent communication. The agency also receives referrals in which it is believed the person’s body is being exploited in some way or a belief the vulnerable adults assets (property or money) is be exploited in some way. These referrals are known as APS reports that will be screened in or screened out by the person in the position. All APS reports screened in will be followed by an APS evaluation/assessment of the situation as APS policy prescribes. All screened in APS reports will be assigned to a designated SW by the supervisor in this position. All referrals for intake services and intake applications are made by the client or the client’s representative either in person or by phone. In cases in which the client cannot physically come to DSS, the supervisor will assign a worker to make an intake visit with the client and/or representative in order to give the opportunity for an application to intake services and funds. All referrals for all other adult services are made either in person or by an intake visit to the client and/or the client’s representative.
- Description of program: The Adult Services Unit is comprised of one supervisor, five social workers and one clerical worker who work as a team. This team coordinates services for vulnerable adults under a financial crisis or need. Adult Protective Services assessments/evaluations, case planning/case management, Community Alternative of Disabled Adults, and Special Assistance. Social worker will provide assistance and information on Home Health/ Respite Care programs in the community. The purpose of the program is to protect adults from abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation of the person or her/his assets by educating adults and their families/support system about care options. It is also the purpose of Adult Services to provide appropriate case management follow up to substantiated cases of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation that is authorized by client consent or court action. Said follow up case management includes services or resources necessary to keep the adult safe as authorized by the clients with capacity to consent or by action of the court in cases, the vulnerable adult lacks capacity. Social Worker will coordinate/locate services for adult based on assessment of adult’s needs. DSS will obtain legal authorization to provide service for the client that has capacity and requesting services.
- Description of characteristics of clients served: Clients served by this employee tend to be vulnerable to various physical, mental, social, and emotional challenges. CAP DA clients are adults 18 years of age or older with various physical and mental disabilities. Clients can be elderly and affected with issues brought on by age. Some clients have financial problems and limited financial support. Most, if not all, applicants are eligible for Medicaid or currently receiving Medicaid. Most cases that this worker will manage will require the client receive Medicaid with the exception of some protective services. All clients have the right to receive in various ways information on community resources and to apply for any intake services without regard to income, sex, race, or religion. This worker will meet with clients from various background and financial standing through Services Intake, Intake Home visits, home studies, and APS assessments/evaluations. Not all clients would be classified as “poor” in DSS interviews and outreach home visits. Some clients will suffer from multiple issues complicated with the appearance of stress related problems.
- Description of the referral received by DSS: The agency receives referrals from any person or institution, which has cause to suspect an abusive/negligent situation of a person 18 years old or older exists. The agency also receives referrals in which it is believed the person’s body is being exploited in some way or a belief the vulnerable adults assets (property or money) is be exploited in some way. These referrals are known as APS reports. These referrals can come from a phone call, email, electronic communication, letter, simple note, or any other form of intelligent communication. All APS reports “screened” in will be followed by an APS evaluation/assessment of the situation as APS policy prescribes. Sometimes the worker will receive a report on a minor child (under 18 years old) known as a “CPS report”.
- Miscellaneous: Worker is to possess and maintain a current valid North Carolina driver’s license in good standing and have access to a fully inspected/licensed vehicle with insurance coverage currently for situations involving travel for DSS purposes when duty requires the worker to drive. Reimbursement is provided as detailed in the Employee Handbook. Worker is to operate the motorized vehicle in which a client or DSS staff is traveling in for DSS related business in a safe manner in accordance with the laws governing the operation of a motor vehicle. The worker is required to attend meetings and training events as determined by the Director/designee. Worker is required to sit on committees or attend staff meetings. Worker participates in DSS outreach into the community. Worker is to make presentations to groups and meetings concerning Adult Services or Adult related issues. Bring to the attention of the supervisor, Deputy Director, or Director any situation involving a client in which the client does not speak English so that DSS Interpreting Services can be provided. Worker will assist in the on the job training or instruction of lower-level social workers, income maintenance caseworkers, students, worker experience appointments (WFES), or interns as requested by the supervisor. This employee may be called upon in case of a disaster, either natural or man-made; to serve the citizens of Martin County and failure to serve when required may result in adverse actions up to and including dismissal. Services to the citizens during a disaster may result in the assignment of other duties, which will take precedence over duties described in this job description. (2% of worker’s time)
- General Administration: This is the “GA” time captured on the DaySheets. Completing Time and Attendance sheets, Leave Slips and Travel Reimbursement forms by cross-referencing these items with the entries on computerized iiReception system. Unit to make sure all entries are correct. Time and Attendance sheets, leave slips, and Travel Reimbursement forms are permanent record. These permanent records must be true and any falsification of those permanent records will result in disciplinary action. Complete out of county travel forms timely and get pre approval of the supervisor prior to upcoming travel out of the county. Travel outside of the state must be discussed with the Director before going. Promptly report accidents and/or injuries of clients or coworkers to the supervisor, Deputy Director, or Director. Review and double check all data recorded on Day Sheets to make sure all entries are correct related to services conducted and time. Communicating and coordinating with the clerical staff to make sure any new county case numbers or new SIS numbers are set up correctly. Submit all new charts to be set up within the first two workdays of opening the case. Pertaining to all intake and adult programs, notify the supervisor immediately of any situation in which the agency may have to pay back funds or will cause a cost that was not included or foreseen by the agency budget. Report county vehicle maintenance problems to the supervisor (change oil light on, etc.). (4% of worker’s time)
- Protective Services: This worker will be involved in assisting the Adult Services Unit as a “back up” worker for APS. Assist with taking APS reports, APS evaluations/assessments, APS case management, and connecting client with protective services should the APS SW be unavailable. These duties are also performed during times the APS SW position is vacant. The worker also is responsible to take CPS (Child Protective Services) reports when all children services staff is unavailable. Taking a protective service report remains the top priority in the course of the workday! Worker will immediately locate a supervisor, Deputy Director, or Director to staff the contents of the report (APS or CPS). Worker will be on rotation to serve “On Call” to take protective services reports. The worker will be provided a DSS cell phone to have on his/her person (or within hearing distance) at all times during the “on call” period. The Communications staff (911 operators) is instructed to call said phone. Worker is required to answer that call, and then make another call to the “reporter” promptly within 10 minutes of the first call from Communications. Take down the APS report and contact the supervisor immediately (within 10 minutes) to screen the report. Worker that is “on call” must not be further away from Martin County than the distance of one hour of travel during the entire time the worker is “on call”. Worker will abide by North Carolina General Statues, State Protective Services policy as well as local policy concerning all protective services matters. Participate in court hearings. Documentation of findings must be in the official chart. Worker is to make sure all State deadlines are met. Staff all case decisions with the supervisor at the completion of the APS assessment for supervisor’s approval. Participate in court or clerk of court hearings. Worker will make home visits. (17% of worker’s time)
- Transport of Clients: Occasionally, the supervisor will instruct the worker to assist the unit by transporting “wards of the state” (Guardianship cases) or some other DSS client in a safe manner. (2% of worker’s time)
- Placement Services: Employee is responsible for placement services case management according to State guidelines. SW will assist clients and/or family members or responsible persons with securing placement. Placement assistance is required for clients who need 24 hour supervision and care. Placement Services include assistance getting the client into a nursing level of care (SNF), Family Care Home (FCH) or Adult Care Home (ACH) as directed by a physician on an FL-2. Assist client, family member, or responsible person with the placement process by coordinating with the Medicaid worker taking Special Assistance (SA) applications. Services also include providing clients, and interested persons with a list of facilities when requested. Worker will contact facilities upon request to poll any open beds in the area facilities that could meet the need. Worker is a facilitator to make sure all tasks are accomplished between the client and the various agencies to make the placement happen. Employee may called upon the Supervisor to assist the APS worker with placement needs of an APS client that DSS has taken legal action to help. Supervisor will make referrals for placement services as needed in other cases. For client’s safety, placement must be prompt and the worker must make all effort to make the placement quickly. Any barriers to prompt placement must be brought to the immediate attention of the Supervisor. ( 16% )
- Adult Home Specialist: Worker is to accomplish all of the following goals by the guidelines and timelines set by the State and local DSS policies. Worker is required to refer often to the policy manuals and seek clarification from the supervisor as needed concerning policy and practice. Primary goal is to insure that residents of the Adult Care Home (ACH) and Family Care Home (FCH) receive the minimum adequate care established by North Carolina regulations. To protect the Residents Rights and to advocate for the residents of ACH and FCH facilities. The employee will use the methods of observation, interviews, and record reviews to determine if the facilities they monitor are following regulations and respecting resident rights. A secondary goal is to provide support for facilities for handling unusual or difficult situations that might arise among their resident population or a particular resident to insure that the facility is making diligent effort to provide adequate care. Worker will make recommendations and referrals for facilities in such situations based upon State guidelines. Worker will monitor the client(s) care in those situations. When unsure of answers the worker will staff the situation with the supervisor and contact the Division of Health Services Regulations (DHSR) consultant for instruction. Although the state of North Carolina requirement is that the worker be in a facility on a quarterly basis, the Martin County DSS Director requires for local purposes that this person monitor the facilities on a monthly basis. The worker writes monitoring reports and forwards them to the consultant at DHSR. A copy of the rule books must be with the worker and worker must quote from the book the area being reviewed in the monitoring report. Worker will receive complaints about the facilities either in house, from Raleigh (DHSR), or from APS reports. The worker will investigate complaints timely and write a complaint investigation report that will also be submitted to DHSR. Employee will, during the course of the monitoring or complaint investigation, make a determination if the areas that the facility is deficient in meet the scope and severity enough to issue a corrective actions report and if such violations are in the severity of Type A or B violations. In situations involving a facility where an APS report is done on a resident the AHS worker will assist the APS worker with the APS evaluation/assessment by sharing notes, narratives, and information necessary to complete the APS assessment. The APS worker will follow the lead of the AHS worker in making the initial visit in the facility so that state guidelines are met in the AHS role. All concerns of resident safety and especially in open APS cases in a facility must be staffed with the supervisor immediately upon discovery. (70% of worker’s time)
- Unit Team Work: Worker is to assist coworkers with taking all protective services reports (APS or CPS) as needed when the services building is short of staff. The employee must remain in the building during work hours to take any reports needed until relieved by another SW. Report any accidents or injuries of staff, clients, or visitors during DSS business to the Director or Deputy Director immediately. Cooperate, coordinate, and communicate with other unit supervisors when client visits or services are needed beyond those offered by Adult Services. Assist DSS staff from other units as needed for the sake of the client. Present yourself as a professional and make all effort to reflect this agency in a positive manner before the clients, visitors, coworkers and the community at large. (3% of worker’s time)
- Other requirements: This worker is expected to carry out any and all other duties assigned by the Director, or designee. Worker is to abide by County Employee Handbook policy and DSS Employee Policy. (3% of worker’s time)
- Social Work principles, techniques, and practices, and their application to complex individual casework, group work, and community problems.
- The laws, regulations and policies that govern the program.
- Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely and to plan and execute work.
- Ability to work on a multidisciplinary team, committee, success team, or other such groups in order to accomplish a shared goal, vision, or task.
- Ability to present himself/herself as a professional in appearance, speech, tone, work ethic, customer service and to be a good representation of the quality of work and personnel this agency has to offer the community at large.
- Ability to train or instruct lower-level social workers, social worker trainees, income maintenance caseworkers, students, or interns.
- The special needs of the disabled, vulnerable adults, and geriatric populations.
- The psychosocial, socioeconomic, behavioral problems and their treatment.
- Skill in developing rapport with a client and in applying techniques or assessing psychosocial, behavioral, and psychological aspects of client’s problems.
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with administrative superiors, member of caseload and their families, and with civic, medical, mental, legal, social and religious organizations.
- Medical terminology, disease processes and their treatment.
- General knowledge of office or work unit procedures, methods, and practices.
- General knowledge of and ability to use correct spelling, punctuation and specialized vocabulary; ability to proofread.
- General knowledge of office accounting and record keeping procedures, mathematics and their application in the work environment.
- Ability to learn and apply a variety of guidelines applicable to the work process.
- Ability to use a variety of office equipment.
- 1. Required Minimum Training: